Monday, 1 January 2018

Nak Windchart s2

Boomer video

Alright so this is the final part, its not difficult but its tricky. This wind charts fixes the time the shot will spend underneath.

How do you use it? Know what shot 2 at wind 0 will hit your opponent. Then multiply the wind by the windchart factor and you'll get a number. So from your basic angle for shot 2 at wind zero you subtract that number.

*This wind chart will work with all angles as long as you know where the shot s2 will land.

(Finished) Some extra info to come

Some info:
  • this Wc only works for winds 6-26.
  • Outside factors are for winds 6-22 (*)
  • inside factors for 23-26 (*)
  • * if there is only one factor then it means its the same for winds 6-26, doesnt matter if its inside or outside.
  • " means the same from the one above.
  • - (minus) means the factor is -0.1 from the one on its left. (ex - at 10pm, the one to its left is .52 so its .51). this was done to reduce visual noice.
  • + (there is only one, it means add 0.1 from .44 so its .45)
  • for winds between 2 and 5 just reduce 0.4 power bar.
  • the .65 wind factor below 2/3 is complicated so you have to reduce 0.3 from the angles measurement you get and that for winds between 6-20, or so.

Ex: your enemy is at 85 full s2, Wind*windfactor=(number), 85-number(ex:9.95 so 10)= 75 is your new angle.

-Note its unusual to get full numbers so if you get 9.5 you do 85-10=75 but instead of shooting full power you should use 3.95Pw (3.9 for when the wind is low, from 6 to 15 or so)

1 comment:

  1. Really cool windchart. Im still learning how to use it.
